She graduated at the High Medical School in Ćuprija in 2009 with the title of senior physiotherapist. She gained the title of Occupational Therapist in 2013. She finnished a postgraduate specialist studies in manual therapy in Belgrade.
Post-graduate education and training in Serbia and abroad:
- PNF I and II level (International Institute for neurorehabilitation, IPNFA, USA)
- Dry Needling (INSTEMA, Institute for Postgraduate Studies of Valencia, Spain)
- Neuromuscular taping I degree (Institute for neuromuscular taping, Rome, Italy)
- Manual therapy course ( OSTEAS,Beograd )
- Modern Medical Acupuncture I ,II (B.Gardasevic,Norway)
- Modern Medical Acupuncture III,PENS,(Percutaneus electronerv stimulation),(B.Gardasevic,Norway)
- Temporomandibular joint disorders- Osteopathic therapy ( Temporomandibular Disorder school-Italy)
- Peripheral Manipulations-upper and lower extremity (INSTEMA,Spain)
Published papers and lectures:
- Kinesiotherapeutical approach to lumbar syndrome , 5th physiotherapists Congress with international participation, Vrnjacka Banja, 2011.
- The importance of rehabilitation for elderly people with cervical syndrome, 6th physiotherapists Congress with international participation Novi Sad, 2013.
- Diagnostics methods in manual therapy,PDE, Society of Physiotherapists of Serbia,2018.,2019.,Belgrade
Work experience:
Health Center Zvezdara 2009 - 2010.
Rehabilitation clinic "Activo" Belgrade 2010 - 2015.
Clinic for rehabilitation "MANUAL physical therapy" Belgrade 2015 – present